Monday, April 20, 2009

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty and the beast was performed april 17th. It was a very good play. It had good actors, but in some parts of the play they messed up like when she said "wow I have never seen so many books" And there was no books!

My question is did you like the play Beauty and the beast or di you think it was just boring?
I thought it was okay but it was kinda boring throughout the play.


  1. At first the play was interesting because I had never seen it live but getting into the second half it got in a way boring because they sang A LOT and also I knew what was going to happen the end so I really didn't want to be sitting there. It did have some funny mistakes like the book scene and when the 'Beast' jumped of his chair and it fell down but you have to give the actors some props. Performing for ,like, 10 schools and having them all laugh at you for your mistake must be hard. :)

    This is really unrelated to the subject but the slideshow of your doggy is adorable <3

  2. I thought the play was good at first but, then it started to drag after the middle. I thought sometimes belle was to loud and they made a couple mistakes. Some of the actors were first timers so I guess they did a pretty good job!

  3. I think it was a pretty good play and it was fun because foster and i were laughing through parts of it so it was fun.!!! :D
