Monday, April 27, 2009

Friends Good Or Bad

What do you think when you hear the word friends, do you think they are someone that you can trust or just another person you have to see everyday. Some friends secretly hate you which a lot of people have told me about. But some friends like hanging out with each other and they dont fight at all, and that is not usally how friends work they normally have someone they hate atleast one person.
So tell me your thoughts and opinions on your friends are they GOOD or BAD friends!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Leave Me Some Feed Back

Leave Me Some Feed Back.

Put whatever you want. ☻☺

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nice Weater VS Bad Weather

There has been some rainy and windy weather lately and me and other people have been tired of it because we can't go outside and we can't do anythng because we are stuck inside!!

So if you agree that we have had too much bad weather than tell me in a posting.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty and the beast was performed april 17th. It was a very good play. It had good actors, but in some parts of the play they messed up like when she said "wow I have never seen so many books" And there was no books!

My question is did you like the play Beauty and the beast or di you think it was just boring?
I thought it was okay but it was kinda boring throughout the play.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I like music but what I don't like about is that some artists make really weird music and it sounds really bad.

My question is what kind of music do you like?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Shopping (For Girls)

One of my favorite things to do is SHOP so I thought I could write about shopping. My favorite clothing store is Garage, What is your favorite clothing store? A lot of my clothes is from there. Tell me in a comment of what your favorite clothing store is!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mt.Pleasant Public School

Mt.Pleasant public School is located in Ontario,Canada. Mt.Pleasant Public School is a very safe school because nobody bullies other people (not that i've seen). I am doing this post because I want to know if you are liking this school and you think it is safe so give me your thoughts and opinions on Mt.Pleasant Public School!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I love badminton, its my favourite sport!!
I like it because it's challenging, it's challenging because it's sometimes hard to serve it or hit the bird when it comes to you. A lot of people say they don't like it because it's too hard or they may not like it becasue they're not good or something else. I'm doing this posting because I want to know if you like badminton!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My New Blog

This is my new blog, I named it Rebecca's Time To Shine becasue i wanted something new and creative so tell me if you like it!

What Is Your Favourite Band

I want to know your favourite band. My favourite band is Fall Out Boy my favourite songs by This Aint A Scene, It's a Arms Race, Hum Hallelujah, and Dance , Dance.My favourite album by them is Infinity On High. Put your favourite band on a comment then your favourite song(s) on it then your favourite album.